Fisher Mortuary actually began its existence in 1907 as the Ben A. Rosebrough Company, a hardware, furniture and undertaking business in Mitchell, Nebraska.
Late in 1923 Mr. Rosebrough ran into some financial issues and ended up closing his multifaceted business. Mr. Rosebrough’s nephew, J.H. (James Howard) “Howard” Fisher, and partner, C.H. Spieth, purchased the Rosebrough building and opened the Spieth-Fisher Company. Spieth-Fisher Co., operated from March 1924 through to the end of 1930 when they decided to close due to the declining health of C.H. Spieth.
J. Howard Fisher spun off the undertaking portion of the Spieth-Fisher Company and renamed it the Fisher Mortuary. Howard Fisher operated his mortuary until approximately 1958 when he sold the business to Mr. & Mrs. William Scholz who kept the Fisher Mortuary name.
On July 1, 1961 the Scholz’s sold the mortuary to J. Virgil Jones who then changed the name to Jones Mortuary. Although the mortuary has been bought and sold many times since 1961 the name still remains as Jones Mortuary today.
- Click the links in the article above to view the supporting documents
The first record in this book is dated 30 June 1927 and is printed on page #1, but the record is written as “Total No. 24” leading us to believe this is not the first actual record book for the Fisher Mortuary. We believe the first 23 records for Fisher Mortuary either no longer exist or are part of the record collection owned by the current business owners. The final record in this book is number 300 and was dated 27 March 1934 for baby Bert Allen Reed, son of Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Reed.
Following the first 300 funeral service records are 73 scans of “Permits for Burial or Removal” records that were included with this collection. Since most of the names in this data set are different than that of the funeral service records we feel its important to include it with this database.

- Project Name: Fisher Mortuary
- Project Manager: Barbara Goldman
- Project Status: Completed
- Collection Donated by: Anonymous Gift
- Project Statistics as of: 9 Nov 2021
Number of Names in Database
Number of Years Records Span
Number of Veterans cared for
- Source Information:
Fisher Mortuary, Mitchell, Nebraska, service records, 1927-1934 [online database]. © 2021 West Nebraska Family Research & History Center; Scottsbluff, Nebraska, USA.
Data and digital images taken from original records located onsite.
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